Sorbonne Université

Institut des Sciences de la Terre de Paris (iSTeP)

Case 129, 4 place Jussieu,

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Diffusion Scientifique


Refereed Journal Publications

Other Publications

Oceanic Cruises

Maps / Cartes

Teaching / Enseignement


Research Interests

Plate kinematics: kinematics of triple junctions, localization and evolution of plate boundaries, continental break-up and ocean opening

Tectonics, structural geology: continental deformation, extensional tectonics, oblique rifting, segmentation and 3D structure of passive margins, symmetry and asymmetry of conjugate margins, post-rift evolution of passive margin scarps, back-arc rifting, paleo-stress field reconstruction

Field areas: Gulf of Aden, NW Indian Ocean, Owen fracture zone, Sheba Ridge, Carlsberg Ridge, Oman, Dhofar, Socotra, Sakhalin Island, Japan Sea, Okinawa Trough, Ryukyu islands, Siberia, French Alps, Corsica…


Research Projects

Owen cruise project

Evolution of the Arabia-India plate boundary

AOC cruise (Aden-Owen-Carlsberg)

Kinematics of the Arabia-India-Somalia triple junction

Oman project of the MEBE Program (Middle East Basin Evolution)

Stress field evolution in Oman

Patom (Siberia)

Structure and evolution of the Patom fold-and-thrust belt in Siberia



• Involved since 1989 in field geological studies and marine geophysical surveys

• Expertise in structural geology, plate tectonics and kinematics, geodynamics

• Acted as chief scientist and project leader of cruises in the NW Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden

• Tools:

       - in the field: structural analysis, microtectonics, aerial and satellite image, geological mapping…

       - at sea: multibeam echosounders, gravimeters, magnetometers, shallow seismic, submersible dives…



Diffusion Scientifique


•  L’aléa tsunami sur les côtes de l’Oman (2013)

Risque de tsunami sur les côtes de l’Oman, La Recherche, 465, p. 17, (2013) (PDF).


•  Campagne océanographique Owen-2 (2012)


•  La frontière de plaque Arabie-Inde dévoilée (2011)


•  Article à Pour la Science (2010)

Naissance d’un océan, la dorsale de Sheba, Pour La Science, 390, 44-49, (2010) (PDF).


•  Propagation ultra-rapide de la dorsale de Sheba vers le point chaud des Afars (2010)


•  Campagne océanographique Owen (2009)


•  Owen, une frontière de plaque livre ses secrets (2008)

News and Views by C. DeMets:


•  Backstory of the AOC cruise: Plates under the sea (2008)


•  Le pli du Vélodrome (2008)


•  Campagne océanographique AOC (2006)






Fournier, M., M. Jentzer, H. R. Karimi, J. Omrani, P. Agard, G. Bonnet, H. Whitechurch, Stress patterns along strike-slip faults in Sistan and Baluchestan, EGU, Vienna, 2018.



Rodriguez, M., N. Chamot-Rooke, P. Huchon, M. Fournier, M. Delescluse, The Owen Ridge uplift in the Arabian Sea: implications for the sedimentary record of Indian monsoon in Late Miocene, EGU, Vienna, 2014.



Fournier, M., N. Chamot-Rooke, M. Rodriguez, C. Petit, P. Huchon, M.-O. Beslier, B. Hazard, The Arabia-India plate boundary unveiled, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009.



Fournier, M., N. Chamot-Rooke, P. Patriat, C.Petit and P. Huchon, Arabia-Somalia plate kinematics and the opening of the Gulf of Aden, EGU, Vienna, 2009.


Sheba Ridge’S Oceanic Core Complexes (POSTER)

Chamot-Rooke, N., M. Fournier, C. Petit, O.Fabbri, P. Huchon, C. Lepvrier and B. Maillot, Sheba Ridge’s Oceanic Core Complexes, EGU, Vienna, 2008.



Fournier, M., N. Chamot-Rooke, C. Petit, P.Patriat, P. Huchon, O. Fabbri and B. Maillot, Kinematic evolution of the Arabia-India-Somalia triple junction since 20 Ma from new magnetic data, EGU, Vienna, 2008.



Fournier, M., C. Petit, N. Chamot-Rooke, O.Fabbri, P. Huchon, B. Maillot and C. Lepvrier, Discovery of the Beautemps-Beaupré Basin at the southern end of the Owen Fracture Zone, Symposium MEBE, Paris, 4-5 December, 2007.



Fournier, M., N. Chamot-Rooke, O. Fabbri, P.Huchon, C. Lepvrier, B. Maillot and C. Petit, Geophysical survey of the Arabia-India-Somalia triple junction: First results of the AOC cruise (Aden-Owen-Carlsberg) in the NW Indian Ocean, EGU, Vienna, 2007.



Fournier M., P. Huchon and K. Khanbari, Asymmetry and segmentation of passive margin in Socotra, Eastern Gulf of Aden, controlled by detachment faults?, EGU, Vienna, 2006.



Refereed Journal Publications




68. Chamot-Rooke, N., M. Rodriguez, M. Fournier, and P. Huchon, Sheba Ridge’s oceanic core complex, in prep. for a special issue of Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst.


67. Janin, A., N. Chamot-Rooke, M. Delescluse, M. Fournier, J.-A. Olive, A. Rabaute, P. Huchon, J. Dyment, C. Vigny, and M. Rodriguez (2022), Tectonic evolution of a sedimented oceanic transform fault: the Owen Transform Fault, Indian Ocean, Tectonics, 42, e2023TC007747,




66. Jentzer, M., P. Agard, G. Bonnet, P. Monié, M. Fournier, H. Whitechurch, J. Omrani, M. H. Zarrinkoub, M. M. Khatib, R. Kohansal, D. Do Couto, C. Godbillot, and D. Ninkabou (2022), The North Sistan orogen (Eastern Iran): Tectono-metamorphic evolution and significance within the Tethyan realm, Gondwana Research, 109, 460-492, (PDF)




65. Pajang, S., N. Cubas, J. Letouzey, L. Le Pourhiet, S. Seyedali, M. Fournier, P. Agard, Khatib M. Mahdi, M. Heyhat, M. Mokhtari (2021), Seismic hazard of the western Makran subduction zone: insight from mechanical modelling and inferred frictional properties, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 562, p. 116789. (PDF)




64. Jentzer, M., H. Whitechurch, P. Agard, M. Ulrich, B. Caron, M. H. Zarrinkoub, R. Kohansal, L. Miguet, J. Omrani, and M. Fournier (2020), Late Cretaceous calc-alkaline and adakitic magmatism in the Sistan suture zone (Eastern Iran): Implications for subduction polarity and regional tectonics, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 204, 104588. (PDF)


63. Magott, R., O. Fabbri, and M. Fournier (2020), Seismically induced serpentine dehydration as a possible mechanism of water release and aftershock triggering in subduction zones. Insights from the Alpine Corsica pseudotachylyte-bearing Monte Maggiore ultramafic klippe, Lithos, 362-363, 105474. (PDF)


62. Rodriguez, M., P. Huchon, N. Chamot-Rooke, M. Fournier, M. Delescluse, J. Smit, A. Plunder, G. Calvès, D. Ninkabou, M. Pubellier, T. François, P. Agard, and C. Gorini (2020), Successive shifts of the India-Africa transform plate boundary during the Late Cretaceous-Paleogene interval: implications for ophiolite emplacement along transforms, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 191, (PDF)


61. Bonnet, G., P. Agard, H. Whitechurch, M. Fournier, S. Angiboust, B. Caron, and J. Omrani (2020), Fossil seamount in SE Zagros records intraoceanic arc to back-arc transition: new constraints for the evolution of the Neotethys, Gondwana Research, 81, 423-444, DOI: 10.1016/ (PDF)




60. Bonnet, G., P. Agard, S. Angiboust, P. Monié, M. Fournier, B. Caron, and J. Omrani (2019), Structure and metamorphism of a subducted seamount (Zagros suture, Southern Iran), Geosphere, v. 15, no. X, 1–20, DOI: 10.1130 /GES02134.1 (PDF)


59. Bonnet, G., P. Agard, S. Angiboust, M. Fournier, and J. Omrani (2019), No large earthquakes in fully exposed subducted seamount, Geology, DOI: 10.1130/G45564.1 (PDF)




58. Fabbri, O., R. Magott, M. Fournier, and L. Etienne (2018), Pseudotachylyte in the Monte Maggiore ophiolitic unit (Alpine Corsica): a possible lateral extension of the Cima di Gratera intermediate-depth Wadati-Benioff paleo-seismic zone, BSGF - Earth Sciences Bulletin, 189, 18, DOI: 10.1051/bsgf/2018020 (PDF)


57. Bonnet, G., P. Agard, S. Angiboust, P. Monié, M. Jentzer, J. Omrani, H. Whitechurch, and M. Fournier (2018), Tectonic slicing and mixing processes along the subduction interface: the Sistan example (Eastern Iran), Lithos, DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2018.04.016 (PDF)


56. Rodriguez, M., M. Fournier, N. Chamot-Rooke, P. Huchon, and M. Delescluse (2018), The geological evolution of the Aden-Owen-Carlsberg triple junction (NW Indian Ocean) since the Late Miocene, Tectonics, DOI: 10.1029/2017TC004687 (PDF)




55. Jentzer, M., M. Fournier, P. Agard, J. Omrani, M. M. Khatib, and H. Whitechurch (2017), Neogene to Present paleostress field in Eastern Iran (Sistan belt) and implications for regional geodynamics, Tectonics, 36, DOI: 10.1002/2016TC004275 (PDF)


54. Magott, R., O. Fabbri, and M. Fournier (2017), Polyphase ductile/brittle deformation along a major tectonic boundary in an ophiolitic nappe, Alpine Corsica: Insights on subduction zone intermediate-depth asperities, Journal of Structural Geology, 94, 240-257, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsg.2016.12.002 (PDF)




53. Rodriguez, M., J. Bourget, N. Chamot-Rooke, P. Huchon, M. Fournier, M. Delescluse, and S. Zaragosi (2016), The Sawqirah contourite drift system in the Arabian Sea (NW Indian Ocean): A case study of interactions between margin reactivation and contouritic processes, Marine Geology, 381, 1-16, DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2016.08.004 (PDF)


52. Magott, R., O. Fabbri, and M. Fournier (2016), Subduction zone intermediate-depth seismicity: Insights from the structural analysis of Alpine high-pressure ophiolite-hosted pseudotachylyte (Corsica, France), Journal of Structural Geology, 87, 95-114, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsg.2016.04.002 (PDF)


51. Rodriguez, M., P. Huchon, N. Chamot-Rooke, M. Fournier, M. Delescluse, and T. François (2016), Tracking the India-Arabia plate boundary during Paleogene times, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 72, 336-358, DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2016.02.019 (PDF)




50. Patriat, M., J. Collot, L. Danyushevsky, M. Fabre, S. Meffre, T. Falloon, P. Rouillard, B. Pelletier, M. Roach, and M. Fournier (2015), Propagation of back-arc extension into the arc lithosphere in the southern Vanuatu volcanic arc, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 16, 3142-3159, DOI: 10.1002/2015GC005717 (PDF)




49. Rodriguez, M., N. Chamot-Rooke, P. Huchon, M. Fournier, S. Lallemant, M. Delescluse, S. Zaragosi, and N. Mouchot (2014), Tectonics of the Dalrymple Trough and uplift of the Murray Ridge (NW Indian Ocean), Tectonophysics, 636, 1-17, DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2014.08.001 (PDF)


48. Rodriguez, M., N. Chamot-Rooke, P. Huchon, M. Fournier, and M. Delescluse (2014), The Owen Ridge uplift in the Arabian Sea: implications for the sedimentary record of Indian monsoon in Late Miocene, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 394, 1-12, DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.03.011 (PDF)




47. Bourget, J., S. Zaragosi, M. Rodriguez, M. Fournier, T. Garlan, and N. Chamot-Rooke (2013), Late Quaternary megaturbidites of the Indus fan: Origin and stratigraphic signficance, Marine Geology, 336, 10-23, DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2012.11.011 (PDF)


46. Rodriguez, M., N. Chamot-Rooke, M. Fournier, P. Huchon, and M. Delescluse (2013), Mode of opening of an intra-oceanic pull-apart: the 20°N Basin along the Owen Fracture Zone (NW Indian Ocean), Tectonics, 32, DOI: 10.1002/tect.20083 (PDF)


45. Rodriguez, M., N. Chamot-Rooke, H. Hébert, M. Fournier, and P. Huchon (2013), Owen Ridge deep-water submarine landslides: implications for tsunami hazard along the Oman coast, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 417-424, DOI: 10.51194/nhess-13-417-2013 (PDF)




44. Rodriguez, M., M. Fournier, N. Chamot-Rooke, P. Huchon, S. Zaragosi, and A. Rabaute (2012), Mass wasting processes along the Owen Ridge (Northwest Indian Ocean), Marine Geology, 326-328, 80-100, DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2012.08.008 (PDF)




43. Fournier, M., N. Chamot-Rooke, M. Rodriguez, P. Huchon, C. Petit, M.-O. Beslier, and S. Zaragosi (2011), Owen Fracture Zone: the Arabia-India plate boundary unveiled, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 302, 247-252, DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.12.027 (PDF)


42. Rodriguez, M., M. Fournier, N. Chamot-Rooke, P. Huchon, J. Bourget, M. Sorbier, S. Zaragosi, and A. Rabaute (2011), Neotectonics of the Owen Fracture Zone (NW Indian Ocean): Structural evolution of an oceanic strike-slip plate boundary, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 12, Q12006, DOI: 10.1029/2011GC003731 (PDF)




41. Fournier, M., N. Chamot-Rooke, C. Petit, P. Huchon, A. Al-Kathiri, L. Audin, M.-O. Beslier, E. d’Acremont, O. Fabbri, J.-M. Fleury, K. Khanbari, C. Lepvrier, S. Leroy, B. Maillot, and S. Merkouriev (2010), Arabia-Somalia plate kinematics, evolution of the Aden-Owen-Carlsberg triple junction, and opening of the Gulf of Aden, J. Geophys. Res., 115, B04102, DOI: 10.1029/2008JB006257 (PDF)




40. de Boisgrollier, T., C. Petit, M. Fournier, P. Leturmy, J.-C. Ringenbach, V. A. San'kov, S. A. Anisimova, and S. N. Kovalenko (2009), Palaeozoic orogeneses around the Siberian craton: Structure and evolution of the Patom belt and foredeep, Tectonics, 28, TC1005, DOI: 10.1029/2007TC002210 (PDF)


39. Jolivet, M., T. De Boisgrollier, C. Petit, M. Fournier, V. A. San’kov, J.-C. Ringenbach, L. Byzov, A. I. Miroshnichenko, S. N. Kovalenko, and S. V. Anisimova (2009), How old is the Baikal Rift Zone? Insight from apatite fission track thermochronology, Tectonics, 28, TC3008, DOI: 10.1029/2008TC002404 (PDF)




38. Fournier, M., P. Agard, and C. Petit (2008), Micro-tectonic constraints on the evolution of the Barles half-window (Digne Nappe, southern Alps). Implications for the timing of folding in the Valensole foreland basin, Bull. Soc. géol. Fr., 179, 551-568, DOI: 10.2113/gssgfbull.179.6.551 (PDF)


37. Fournier, M., N. Chamot-Rooke, C. Petit, O. Fabbri, P. Huchon, B. Maillot, and C. Lepvrier (2008), In-situ evidence for dextral active motion at the Arabia-India plate boundary, Nature Geoscience, 1, 54-58, DOI: 10.1038/ngeo.2007.24 (PDF)


36. Fournier, M., C. Petit, N. Chamot-Rooke, O. Fabbri, P. Huchon, B. Maillot, and C. Lepvrier (2008), Do ridge-ridge-fault triple junctions exist on Earth? Evidence from the Aden-Owen-Carlsberg junction in the NW Indian Ocean, Basin Research, 20, 575-590, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2117.2008.00356.x (PDF)




35. Fournier, M., and C. Petit (2007), Oblique rifting at oceanic ridges: Relationship between spreading and stretching directions from earthquake focal mechanisms, Journal of Structural Geology, 29, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsg.2006.07.017 (PDF)


34. Fournier, M., P. Huchon, K. Khanbari, and S. Leroy (2007), Segmentation and along-strike asymmetry of the passive margin in Socotra, eastern Gulf of Aden: Are they controlled by detachment faults?, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 8, Q03007, DOI: 10.1029/2006gc001526 (PDF)


33. Gunnell, Y., A. Carter, C. Petit, and M. Fournier (2007), Post-rift seaward downwarping at passive margins: new insights from southern Oman using stratigraphy to constrain apatite fission-track and (U-Th)/He dating, Geology, 35, 647-650, DOI: 10.1130/G23639A.1 (PDF)


32. Petit, C., M. Fournier, and Y. Gunnell (2007), Tectonic and climatic controls on rift escarpments: Erosion and flexural rebound of the Dhofar passive margin (Gulf of Aden, Oman), J. Geophys. Res., 112, B03406, DOI: 10.1029/2006JB004554 (PDF)




31. Bellahsen, N., M. Fournier, E. d’Acremont, S. Leroy, and J.-M. Daniel (2006), Fault reactivation and rift localization: The northeastern Gulf of Aden margin, Tectonics, 25, DOI: 10.1029/2004TC001626 (PDF)


30. d’Acremont, E., S. Leroy, M. Maia, P. Patriat, M.-O. Beslier, N. Bellahsen, M. Fournier, and P. Gente (2006), Structure and evolution of the eastern Gulf of Aden: insigths from magnetic and gravity data (Encens Sheba Cruise), Geophys. J. Int., 165, 786-803, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.02950.x (PDF)


29. Fournier, M., C. Lepvrier, P. Razin, and L. Jolivet (2006), Late Cretaceous to Paleogene post-obduction extension and subsequent Neogene compression in the Oman Mountains, GeoArabia, 11, 17-40 (PDF)




28. d’Acremont, E., S. Leroy, M.-O. Beslier, N. Bellahsen, M. Fournier, C. Robin, M. Maia, and P. Gente (2005), Structure and evolution of the eastern Gulf of Aden conjugate margins from seismic reflection data, Geophys. J. Int., 160, 669-690, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2005.02524.x (PDF)


27. Fournier, M., P. Razin, O. Fabbri, and J.-P. Breton (2005), Comment on “Aptian faulting in the Haushi-Huqf (Oman) and the tectonic evolution of the southeast Arabian platform-margin” by C. Montenat, P. Barrier and H.J. Soudet, GeoArabia, 10, 191-198 (PDF)


26. Petit, C., and M. Fournier (2005), Present-day velocity and stress fields of the Amurian plate from thin-shell finite element modeling, Geophys. J. Int., 160, 357-369, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2004.02486.x (PDF)




25. Fabbri, O., P. Monié, and M. Fournier (2004), Transtensional deformation at the junction between the Okinawa Trough back-arc basin and the SW Japan island arc, in Grocott J., McCaffrey K. J. W., Taylor G. and Tikoff B. (eds), Vertical Coupling and Decoupling in the Lithosphere, Geol. Soc. London Spec. Pub., 227, 297-312, DOI: 10.1144/GSL.SP.2004.227.01.15 (PDF)


24. Fournier, M., L. Jolivet, P. Davy, and J. C. Thomas (2004), Back arc extension and collision: an experimental approach of the tectonics of Asia, Geophys. J. Int., 157, 871-889, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2004.02223.x (PDF)


23. Fournier, M., N. Bellahsen, O. Fabbri, and Y. Gunnell (2004), Oblique rifting and segmentation of the NE Gulf of Aden passive margin, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 5, Q11005, DOI: 10.1029/2004GC000731 (PDF)


22. Leroy, S., P. Gente, M. Fournier, E. d’Acremont, N. Bellahsen, M.-O. Beslier, P. Patriat, M. Maia, A. Blais, J. Perrot, A. Al-Kathiri, S. Merkouriev, P.-Y. Ruellan, J.-M. Fleury, C. Lepvrier, and P. Huchon (2004), From rifting to spreading in the eastern Gulf of Aden: a geophysical survey of a young oceanic basin from margin to margin, Terra Nova, 16, 185-192, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3121.2004.00550.x (PDF)




21. Agard, P., M. Fournier, and O. Lacombe (2003), Post-nappe brittle extension in the inner Western Alps (Schistes Lustrés) following late ductile exhumation: a record of synextension block rotation, Terra Nova, 15, 306-314, DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-3121.2003.00498.x (PDF)




20. Lepvrier, C., M. Fournier, T. Bérard, and J. Roger (2002), Cenozoic extension in coastal Dhofar (southern Oman): Implications on the oblique rifting of the gulf of Aden, Tectonophysics, 357, 279-293, DOI: 10.1016/S0040-1951(02)00372-4 (PDF)


19. Malavieille, J., S.E. Lallemand, S. Dominguez, A. Deschamps, C.Y. Lu, S.-S. Liu, P. Schnürle, J. Angelier, J.-Y. Collot, B. Deffontaines, M. Fournier, S.-K. Hsu, J.-P. Le Formal, S.-Y. Liu, J.-C. Sibuet, N. Thareau, and F. Wang (2002), Arc-continent collision in Taiwan: New marine observations and tectonic evolution, in Byrne, T.B. and Liu, C.-S., eds., Geology and Geophysics of an Arc-Continent collision, Taiwan, Republic of China: Boulder, Colorado, Geol. Soc. Amer. Spec. Pap. 58, 189-213, DOI: 10.1130/0-8137-2358-2.187 (PDF)




18. Fournier, M., O. Fabbri, J. Angelier, and J.P. Cadet (2001), Regional seismicity and on-land deformation in the Ryukyu arc: Implications for the kinematics of opening of the Okinawa Trough, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 13,751-13768, DOI: 10.1029/2001JB900010 (PDF)


17. Fournier, M., P. Patriat, and S. Leroy (2001), Reappraisal of the Arabia-India-Somalia triple junction kinematics, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 189, 103-114, DOI: 10.1016/S0012-821X(01)00371-5 (PDF)




16. Fabbri, O., and M. Fournier (1999, Extension in the southern Ryukyu arc (Japan): Link with oblique subduction and back-arc rifting, Tectonics, 18, 486-497, DOI: 10.1029/1999TC900001 (PDF)


15. Jolivet, L., C. Faccenna, N. d’Agostino, M. Fournier, and D. Worrall (1999), The kinematics of back-arc basins, examples from the Tyrrhenian, Aegean and Japan Seas, in Continental Tectonics, Geol. Soc. Spec. Pub., vol. 164, edited by C. Mac Niocaill and P. D. Ryan, pp. 21-53, DOI: 10.1144/GSL.SP.1999.164.01.04 (PDF)


14. Lallemand, S., S.-S. Liu, S. Dominguez, P. Schnürle, J. Malavieille, and the ACT Scientific Crew (J. Angelier, J.-Y. Collot, B. Deffontaines, M. Fournier, S.-K. Hsu, J.-P. Le Formal, S.-Y. Liu, C.-Y. Lu, J.-C. Sibuet, N. Thareau, F. Wang) (1999), Trench-parallel stretching and folding of forearc basins and lateral migration of accretionary wedges in the southern Ryukyus: a case of strain partition caused by oblique convergence, Tectonics, 18, 231-247, DOI: 10.1029/1998TC900011 (PDF)




13. Sibuet, J.C., B. Deffontaines, S.-K. Hsu, N. Thareau, J.P. Le Formal, C.-S. Liu, and the ACT party (J. Angelier, J.-Y. Collot, S. Dominguez, M. Fournier, S. Lallemand, C.-Y. Lu, J. Malavieille, P. Schnürle, F. Wang) (1998), Okinawa Trough backarc basin: Early tectonic and magmatic evolution, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 30,245-30,267, DOI: 10.1029/98JB01823 (PDF)




12. Fabbri, O., J. Charvet, and M. Fournier (1996), Alternate senses of displacement along the Tsushima fault system during the Neogene based on fracture analyses near the western margin of the Japan Sea, Tectonophysics, 257, 275-295, DOI: 10.1016/0040-1951(95)00151-4 (PDF)


11. Le Pichon, X., S. F. Pollitz, M. Fournier, J. P. Cadet, S. Lallemant, and N. Chamot-Rooke (1996), Distribution of shortening landward and oceanward of the eastern Nankai Trough due to the Izu-Ogasawara ridge collision, Earth Planet Sci. Lett., 137, 145-156, DOI: 10.1016/0012-821X(95)00212-U (PDF)




10. Fournier, M., L. Jolivet, and O. Fabbri (1995), Neogene stress field in SW Japan and mechanism of deformation during the Japan Sea opening, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 24,295-24,314, DOI: 10.1029/95JB01973 (PDF)


9. Jolivet, L., H. Shibuya, and M. Fournier (1995), Paleomagnetic rotations and the Japan Sea opening, in Active Margins and Marginal Basins of Western Pacific, Geophys. Monogr. Ser., vol. 88, edited by Brian Taylor and James Natland, pp. 355-369, AGU, Washington, D. C. DOI: 10.1029/GM088p0355 (PDF)




8. Fournier, M., L. Jolivet, P. Huchon, K. F. Sergeyev, and L. S. Oscorbin (1994), Neogene strike-slip faulting in Sakhalin and the Japan Sea opening, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 2701-2715, DOI: 10.1029/93JB02026 (PDF)


7. Jolivet, L., K. Tamaki, and M. Fournier (1994), Japan Sea, opening history and mechanism: A synthesis, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 22,237-22,259, DOI: 10.1029/93JB03463 (PDF)


6. Le Pichon, X., S. Lallemant, M. Fournier, J. P. Cadet, and K. Kobayashi (1994), Shear partitioning in the eastern Nankai Trough: evidence from submersible dives, Earth. Planet. Sci. Lett., 128, 77-83, DOI: 10.1016/0012-821X(94)90136-8 (PDF)




5. Jolivet, L., M. Fournier, P. Huchon, V. S. Rozhdestvensky, K. F. Sergeyev, and L. Oscorbin (1992), Cenozoic intracontinental dextral motion in the Okhotsk-Japan sea region, Tectonics, 11, 968-977, DOI: 10.1029/92TC00337 (PDF)


4. Le Pichon, X., M. Fournier, and L. Jolivet (1992), Kinematics, topography, shortening, and extrusion in the India-Eurasia collision, Tectonics, 11, 1085-1098, DOI: 10.1029/92TC01566 (PDF)




3. Fournier, M., L. Jolivet, B. Goffé and R. Dubois (1991), The Alpine Corsica metamorphic core complex, Tectonics, 10, 1173-1186, DOI: 10.1029/91TC00894 (PDF)


2. Jolivet, L., J. M. Daniel, and M. Fournier (1991), Geometry and kinematics of ductile extension in alpine Corsica, Earth. Planet. Sci. Lett., 104, 278-291, DOI: 10.1016/0012-821X(91)90209-Z (PDF)




1. Jolivet, L., R. Dubois, M. Fournier, B. Goffé, A. Michard, and C. Jourdan (1990), Ductile extension in Alpine Corsica, Geology, 18, 1007-1010, DOI: 10.1130/0091-7613(1990)018<1007:DEIAC>2.3.CO;2 (PDF)



Other Publications


7. Rodriguez, M., P. Huchon, N. Chamot-Rooke, M. Fournier, and M. Delescluse (2019), Structural reorganization of the India-Arabia strike-slip plate boundary (Owen Fracture Zone; NW Indian Ocean) 2.4 million years ago, in Transform Plate Boundaries and Fracture Zones, Ed. J. C. Duarte, 145-155, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-812064-4.00007-4 (PDF).


6. Fournier, M., et N. Chamot-Rooke (2010), Naissance d’un océan, la dorsale de Sheba, Pour La Science, 390, 44-49 (PDF).


5. Fournier, M., Cinématique et déformation associées à l’extension continentale et l’accrétion océanique : à l’Est d’Aden, Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, 127 pp., Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, 2009 (PDF).


4. Pubellier M. & al. (N. Chamot-Rooke, F. Ego, J.C. Guezou, E. Konstantinovskaya, A. Rabaute, J. Ali, J. Aitchison, C. Aubourg, J. Charvet, M. Fournier, R. Hébert, G. Ivanov, L. Jolivet, C. Lepvrier, G. Mascle, I. Pospelov, J.C. Ringenbach, S. Shokalsky, M. Sosson, J. Verges, C. Wang), 2008. Structural Map of Eastern Eurasia, Commission for the Geological Map of the World, 1:12.500.000 scale (PDF).




2. Fournier, M., and J. P. Cadet, Structural study of the lower scarp of the inner eastern Nankai accretionary wedge, JAMSTEC J. Deep-Sea Res., 323-329, 1994 (PDF).


1. Fournier, M., Ouverture de bassins marginaux et déformation continentale : L'exemple de la mer du Japon, Thèse de doctorat, 312 pp., Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, 1994.



Oceanographic Cruises


ONLAP (2013) : seismic profile from Oman to Makran

Combination of multichannel and wide-angle seismics parallel to the main direction of obduction thrusts from the Oman ophiolite to the foot of the Makran accretionary wedge

- Project (PDF)


Owen-2 (2012) : geodynamic evolution of the Arabia-India plate boundary

- Project (PDF)

- Report (PDF)


Owen (2009) : active faults of the Arabia-India plate boundary

-       Fiche de valorisation IFREMER :

- Owen fracture zone :

- Owen cruise :

- Report (PDF)

- Project (PDF)


AOC (2006) : kinematics of the Aden-Owen-Carlsberg (AOC) triple junction

- Fiche de valorisation IFREMER :

- Press releases :

- Owen fracture zone :

- AOC cruise :

- Report (PDF)

- Project (PDF)


Encens 2 (2006) : deep structure of the conjugate margins of the eastern Gulf of Aden from multi-channel seismic and OBS data.

- Project (PDF)


Encens-Sheba (2000) : geophysical survey of the eastern Gulf of Aden from margin to margin

- Report (PDF)

- Project (PDF)


ACT (1995) : active tectonics in Taiwan



Maps / Cartes



- Carte des rivières de France (jpeg)

- Carte topographique et hydrographique de la France (jpeg)

- Carte des bassins versants de France (jpeg)


Global maps / Cartes globales

- World seismicity map (jpeg)

- Carte de la sismicité mondiale et de la profondeur des séismes (jpeg)

- World seismicity map : extensional earthquakes (jpeg)

- World seismicity map : extensional earthquakes sort by depth (jpeg)

- World seismicity map : compressional earthquakes (jpeg)

- World seismicity map : compressional earthquakes sort by depth (jpeg)

- World seismicity map : strike-slip earthquakes (jpeg)

- World seismicity map : strike-slip earthquakes sort by depth (jpeg)

- World seismicity map : compressional, extensional, strike-slip earthquakes (jpeg)


- World topography map (jpeg)

- Carte topographique du Monde (jpeg)


- World seafloor age (jpeg)

- Carte de l’âge du plancher océanique du Monde (jpeg)


- Carte des vitesses GPS des plaques lithosphériques dans IGS14 (jpeg)


Atlantic Ocean / Océan Atlantique

- Bathymetric map of the Atlantic Ocean (jpeg)

- Carte bathymétrique de l’océan Atlantique (jpeg)


- Atlantic seafloor age (jpeg)

- Carte de l’âge du plancher océanique de l’océan Atlantique (jpeg)


Pacific Ocean / Océan Pacifique

- Bathymetric map of the Pacific Ocean (jpeg)

- Carte bathymétrique de l’océan Pacifique (jpeg)


- Pacific seafloor age (jpeg)

- Carte de l’âge du plancher océanique de l’océan Pacifique (jpeg)


- Coupes de sismicité dans les zones de subduction Ouest-Pacifique (jpeg)

- Coupes de sismicité dans les zones de subduction Est-Pacifique (jpeg)


Indian Ocean / Océan Indien

- Bathymetric map of the Indian Ocean (jpeg)

- Carte bathymétrique de l’océan Indien (jpeg)


- Indian seafloor age (jpeg)

- Carte de l’âge du plancher océanique de l’océan Indien (jpeg)


- Bathymetric map of the Gulf of Aden (jpeg, jpeg1, jpeg2)


Asia / Asie

- Topography and seismicity of Asia (jpeg)

- Carte de la topographie et de la sismicité de l’Asie (jpeg)


SW Pacific Ocean / Océan Pacifique SW

- Carte bathymétrique du SW Pacifique (jpeg)


Triple junctions / Points triples

- Rodriguez triple junction (jpeg)

- Japan triple junction (jpeg)

- Chile triple junction (jpeg)

- Carte du point triple RRR de Rodrigues (jpeg)

- Carte du point triple TTT du Japon (jpeg)

- Carte du point triple FTT du Chili (jpeg)



Teaching / Enseignement


Géothermie et propriétés thermiques de la Terre (PDF)


Omori law for mega-earthquakes

- Omori law for Tohoku earthquake (jpeg)

- Omori law for Tohoku earthquake (PDF)

- Omori law for Sumatra and Chile earthquakes (jpeg)

- Omori law for Sumatra and Chile earthquakes (PDF)


The 27 February 2010 Chile earthquake

- animation of the foreshocks, mainshock, and aftershocks sequence from February 8 to June7, 2010 (GIF)


The 11 March 2011 Tohoku earthquake

- animation of the foreshocks, mainshock, and aftershocks sequence from February 11 to July 31, 2011 (GIF)


Tracé d’un profil topographique pour une coupe géologique (mp4)

Réalisation d’un bloc-diagramme à partir de coupes sériées (mp4)

Dissection florale du lys (mp4)

Dissection de l’écrevisse (mv4)

Dissection de l’oeil de veau (mp4)

Tutoriel du logiciel Phylogène (mp4)

La carte de France au 1/1.000.000 (PDF)



Updated September, 2021